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From a personal stand point I wish I had received this (program) 27 years ago. I would have been a better controller.

-- Support Manager for Training Cleveland Center

After three operational errors in eight months, Pete was asked to help John using his program. John was skeptical Pete would be able to help. John has since gone through the program and has significantly improved his performance and thus not had any operational errors. "Pete gave me the thing all controllers should have, the gift of more time."

After attending a seminar Peter taught, Darren said,

"Every controller in the United States needs to have this program."

Kevin, another skeptical trainee, after attending Peter's course stated,

"This was the first time I feel like I can self assess and improve my performance."

"I have found Pete's discussion and Human Factors oberservations to be revealing to me why controllers exhibit the behavior and tendencies they do." And, "Peter is a very dynamic and diverse individual who contributed his professional and personal experiences to this training."

- Donna -

Support Manager, Traning

* Testimonial input is anonymous *

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